英语中的很多常用语 都来自这本童话

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》不仅编织了一个奇妙荒诞,充满想象力的地下世界,还制造了很多英语流行语,down the rabbit hole(进入未知的天地),mad as a hatter(疯疯癫癫)以及jabberwocky(胡说八道)等常用语的流行都和这个童话有关。 1. DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE 进入未知的天地 Down...

Zheng:I will just wait for a while, since there’s nothing else I can do. It is a very tricky moment. Basically, as long as you are patient to wait for a while, be not too ...

>Does watching TV make you hungrier? 看电视是否会'越看越饿'? Sitting down in front of the television with a meal or snack after a long day is a very popular recreational pa...

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